Friday, November 4, 2011

Tot School -- Ready, Set, Move! --- Gross Motor

     Adeline is starting to feel much better after having  her tonsils and adenoids removed on Monday.  It has been a long week though trying to keep her hydrated.  Thank you for all your notes and prayers! 

     Well, she is moving, and moving everywhere so please don't look at the crazy mess in my house.

                                                         Adeline wants to play peek a boo

We pulled out a blanket to have some fun.  Make a hammock swing, with one person holding each end of the blanket.  Put the child in the hammock and rock gently.  Adeline loves this.  This activity helps with vestibular stimulation.

Going for a ride on the blanket.  When Adeline was small and not sitting we would lay her on the blanket and carefully pull her around.  So much fun!

OK,I never did this before, but it was fun.  I pulled out the ironing board, you must hold onto the bottom.  I slanted it on the sofa and Adeline did some crawling up.  A great upper body workout.  She then sat at the top and we rolled the ball and car "down".  She loved this.  We roll the ball back and forth but this was something new.  This activity helps with visual tracking.

 My sweet boy made me some flowers in the mud!


  1. We definitely gotta try the ironing board exercise tomorrow!

  2. I love your blog and all the gorgeous pictures!

    I, too, am a homeschooling mom. My daughter w/Ds is almost 17 and has always been homeschooled.


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