
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Icy Fun -- Sensory Play

Yesterday we filled every ice cube tray, muffin tin, bread pan, cake pan, and whatever else we found with water and food coloring.  We also added foam animal shapes, beads, and glitter, we love the sparkles.  Today we took all our amazing ice shapes and made ice sculptures.

 While Ian worked on his sculpture's Adeline was working on her sensory play in the water table.  I filled the water table with ice cubes and muffin cubes.  She loved picking them up with her hands and later she did some scooping.

   This was a great activity for a hot Florida day.  The colors and animals created a lot of words and conversation.

If doing this activity with a very young child please use guidance if they are still mouthing things.  Ice cubes can be a chocking hazard.  


  1. They look awesome, I love the glitter and sparkles buried in the ice. We did ice play this weekend too, wasn't very warm though.

  2. This looks great! So many shapes, colors and sparkly additions.. I bet they loved it. We do a lot of ice play here in the Arizona desert. We just have to play fast because melting is a speedy process during the Summer months :D

  3. What a fun activity ... and I love all your additions to the colored water! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and pinned it to my Summer Fun Pinterest board at

  4. what a perfect activity for summer! featured you on this week's sunday showcase!
