
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Go Car Go!

We have been talking about "ready, set, GO" and "Go car" so we set up our crib mattress and made a car ramp.

We had so much fun doing this that I thought this would be a good chance to talk about other things that "go".  I recently discovered an amazing website called Tar Heel Reader.  This site is an accumulation of books made by educators, most are easy readers.  I found this book called The Can Go Book.  I printed it up and laminated it.  It is very repetitive so Adeline is really enjoying saying the "go" part of each page.  I am sorry I cannot get these pictures to rotate!

We also did a matching game that I found at 1+1+1=1

 This is also a great Melissa and Doug puzzle to help with fine motor and transportation vocabulary.


  1. Goblin would LOVE all these activities. Anything vehicle based and he is hooked. We have tractor matching cards and Hublet just bought a bendy ramp that launches cars into the air! Gonna have to print out the 'can go book'.

  2. Another's great matching exercise. I have got to get me a laminator!
