
Saturday, January 21, 2012

I See Book

I have been using the Little Reader Brillkids program with Adeline for about 8 months now.  This program has taught Adeline hundreds of words.  Many of these she can say and all of them she can read by sight.  I wanted to start creating phrases using some of the words she know and Adeline's speech therapist recommended to start with "I see", "I touch", "I hear".  So this week I created an "I See" book.



  1. Hi there! I am new to your blog. What a great idea with the books! I might have to borrow this idea for my little Ellie.

  2. Another great idea! As I have been trying to figure out a different way to get some short sentences out of Little Miss D. Modeling what I want her to say hasn't been working lately.

  3. What a great idea. Thank you for sharing it at Sharing Saturday!!

  4. What a great idea with the books..awesome way to get Avery to use some sentences instead of one words...thanks for sharing...

  5. I am a desperate mother right now. I have a 8yr old son who has down syndrome, my son John had an amazing support staff and school where we lived. We have currently moved and his new school is horrible! He has regressed tremendously, I cry every day I drop him off. Long story but today was my breaking point, I have looked at other school options but it's not easy. So I am considering home schooling him and getting my son back. I am desperate for advice,comments,concerns and resources on how to pursue home schooling john. Thank you.
